
Sis cums of age

Published October 3, 2024 tag category
Sis cums of age

I was watching TV late last Saturday in my room over the garage. I had built the attic room myself as a statement to the family and myself that I was growing up and it was getting close to the time I would need a place of my own. Even now I needed to feel a bit of separation. My folks went along with me, remembering perhaps the same times in thier lives. It wasn't a palace, but it was mine, sort of, and it was good to get time to myself to think out the changes that were piling up in my life.The only person who came in, at least when I was there, was my sister. WE were the best of friends, and she sometimes needed a quiet space too, to chill with someone who didn't try to give too much advice. The folks were liberal minded, but some things you just didn't talk to parents about, especially ones who might be inclined to tell you either more than you wanted to know, or might draw out of you more than you wanted them to know you knew. I think you should be able to understand that. So besides being friends, we were confederates and confidantes. I told her about what went on in my dates and what she might expect when she started going out. We even played around a bit when my stories got a bit exciting. She liked to be hugged, liked to feel her tummy against mine, and it wasn't much of a stretch to often find her under me and her legs even wrapped around me. We even got the rudiments of kissing before I ever kissed my first girlfriend.

That started two years ago, shortly after I mover into the room, and tonight she was out on her first date. It had to be a double date to keep mom happy, but it was in a car and she and her beau would have the back seat and she was very excited and a bit apprehensive about what might happen to her. I might have dressed up my exploits a bit too much for her imagination. At any rate, I was expecting her when she crept into my room after letting the folks know she was home in one piece, virtue included. She was already in her PJ's, and busting to tell me what a she was. She looked younger than she actually was, as her track coach kept her trimmed to skin and bones for the hurdles, so she looked so very young and vulnerable. They had skipped the movie altogether and went to a parking spot along the lake and necked to four hours, until the car had to be home. When I pumped her a bit to say exactly what had gone on, she would only shyly say' "Lots of stuff", and hug her knees to her little chest. I could see she was chilly, so I pulled her under the covers with me, hugged her close, and played the story out of her. First I kissed her and asked , "Did you do that?'. I gathered from the giggle that she had indeed done lots of that. She also suggested she had gone one better, and french kissed me to demonstrate. It was very brief, but the tongue was there, and I got a bit warmed at thinking of my little sister making out like that. Not jealous, you understand, just wishing I could have been there to both see and guide her along...Do I sound like an overly liberal parent?

Did he do this?", I asked , putting a hand on her breast. She nodded with a sly grin, more like a lewd grin actually. "How about like this?", as I put my had under her PJ top and again found the little . Again a nod, but this time with a gulp as I began playing with the nipple. For such a small orb, it was a full grown nipple, and sprang to attention. "Yes", with an eager quaver. I thought to put my lips to her breast, but her hold on my neck was too tight, and I wasn't in a fighting mood. Besides, we were only playing, at least at that point.
"Lets see now, what else could you have done? What were the other guys doing"?
"I think they might have done it. They were laying down on the front seat and we couldn't see, we could tell they were taking some clothes off."
"So you didn't do it?, I was a bit dissappointed. I was starting to really get into the story and didn't want to here it cut off in mid-conquest. Never mind that it took me a year of dating before I first scored, and then the girl had to practically rape me. Not that I was slow, I just didn't know how to let her know what I wanted without thinking I might spook her. A tit in the hand is worth a pussy in the bush?
" I would have," she whispered into my neck. "maybe we will next time."

She sounded so sad. I think she felt she had dissappointed me and wanted to be able to tell me more. I stroke her back, which turned into stroking her bum and thighs and finally into pushing her away enough to put my hand between her legs and cradle her pube. She clamped down on me and started sort of humping my fingers. OK, I thought, and tried as best I could to wiggled my digits against her clit. It sounds so amateurish and clumsy now I come to write about it, but thats what we were, clumsy ameteur. Later in I learned of a South Seas culture that used to designate a favourite uncle to initiate young girls into the pleasures of the flesh. I didn't feel clumsy, though. I still didn't know haw far it was going, but it was fun so far. After all, we had come closer a year ago when I had layed between her legs with a hardon pressed against her. I didn't know haw to get her clothes off and get her back into that position without losing the moment. I know she knew what the position was, because when I humped she humped back. But the clothes stayed on and eventually we had to make an appearance in the main house.

"Open you legs just a bit," I whispered. When she did, quite deftly I thought got my knee beween hers and ran my released hand down inside her waistband and found her wet little pussy. She started just a bit, but I was too excited to be put off, and I planted a kiss on her to cut off debate on the matter. Her breath was a bit ragged anyway, but she gasped when I found her clit and began stroking it. This was far more than we had ever done before and more than her beau had done that evening. When I finger found the opening and slipped in and began rubbing that spot just inside my girlfriend had showed me, the gloves were off ofor both of us. We were no longer kids playing sexy games but a man and a woman getting ready to fuck. Her mouth opened wide under my pressure and I showed her what a real was. She came then, and I was glad of the knee between hers to protect my hand from being crushed. She actually came again before she sort of pushed me away and said she needed a rest.
I was purposeful as I wiggles out of my boxers then worked her bottoms down off her bum and over her . It wasn't untill I had to lift her shoulders to peel her top off that she seemed to notice what I was up too.

"Are you getting us naked?, she asked the obvious.
` "We are naked. Now do you know what we're going to do?"
"You're going to do it with me?"
"And you're going to do it with me. What are we going to do? What do you friends call it when your talking about sex and boys?"
"Carla's the only one who says it. WE say making out or just doing it or going all the way. I said fuck once and everybody said I shouldn't even though Carla does."
"I wanted to fuck you last year. Remember when I laid beween your legs so long and we just necked? We didn't even kiss properly."
"I remember. You could have. I wanted you to do more but I didn't know how to help you."
"Its OK, though. I didn't have a condom anyway, and My cock is a lot bigger now."

This brought another matter into the equation. She had two orgasms and much playing, but she had never seen or touched my good fella. I learned to call him that from a movie. I quickly brought her hand to meet him and had to caoch her to actually close her fingers around him. She giggled at the wettness and slippery feel and even gave him a couple trial strokes. Some things a girl knows inately. Then she realized there was more there than just a little handfull.
"How far doies it go in?, she asked, "It cant go that far in, can it? I'm not that big."
"I'll only put it in as much as you can hold." I didn't want to spook her now, this close. I knew it would go all the way, but her fears were natural. He really is a healthy specemin. I remembered how much trouble Mary my girl had had when we first fucked and the so-called lubed condom was slippery as sand paper and she dried up in her nervousness. I was glad we were in my bed and close to the KY jelly that helped me through so many onesome nights.

Putting the condom on was a whole new thing. First of all, it was the first she had ever seen of one, but mostly it was the fact that we were taking steps to actually fuck, not just think about and play at it. When it was on I was going to poke it into her and just the thought dried both our mouths just a bit. Also was the knowledge that if something did bring a parent knocking, we were now in a position that could not be explained away. But we felt pretty safe, at least safe enough to plow ahead.. She had never heard of KY, but took my word for it. I was right about that, when I felt her she was as dry as Mary had been, and took a direct glob KY as a result. The cold shock was a good move. It took us away from the cold mechanics of birth control and put the giggle back in the game. But I was now so lubed I couldn't touch her except by climbing between her wide spread legs.

I tried to go slow and make the memory of the moment indelible in my mind. I knew it was a moment that could happen only once. I kept my body raised off her so I could see down her tummy to where my cock was poised to penetrate her virgin little pussy and I didn't want either of us to miss a single tingle. She too looked down and rocked her pelvis to bring her lips into view. Her tummy sucked in and her pube protruded like Gibraltar. I was sure that if I rammed it home I would be able to see my cock raise her tummy. I noted the matted mess the KY had made of her soft little bush. I noted the pleading in her voice as she whicpered, "Put it in me, please?"

But I was even more eager than her, only not enough to hurt her doing it. I knew looking into her eyes that this was the pussy I had been hungry for for as long as I began pumping hormones. Mary was great, but I had never ogled her as she slowly became a woman, wondering how she might feel. Lets not call iit love, but it was long bottled lust and I knew now that she wanted it as as I did. I was trying to figure how to coach the thing into guiding me home, but as luck would have it, I scored on the first shot. With her pelvis curled up to meet me, My slippery cock parted her lips itself and found the opening. Her eyes grew even bigger as the head popped into her and I make another inch or so. WE could both see that half the condom was gone, leaving another four inches of cock, but enough was in for her to feel the size, and her delight was contagious as she realized she had me in her and it didn't hurt. She began working her cunt muscles and rocking her bum as I held myself still over her, and clowly more cock slipped in until soon there was no condom left. Still no pain, and in a matter of minutes we both felt my pube grind against hers and even when I humped quite hard I didn't hurt her. The wonder on her face as the realization came home that she had all I could give in her pussy and she was woman enough to take it, made me lower myself and press her body into mine and kiss her more tenderly than I had ever kissed a girl. WE lay still for a few minutes, relishing the new feellings and thoughts and emotions, but soon I had to begin stroking her slowly and gently.

" you might not have a cum the . Most girls don't"
"I don't care, it feels so good and I just want to fuck you forever. Just keep fucking and cum in me ."
" I will cum in you, no fear. WE have to get you on the pill, so my cock can feel your cunt without any rubber."
After the briefest of pauses, "I am on the pill. Mom said it would help my periods. I never thought about not needing a condom. What a dork I am. What should we do?"
The absurdity of the situation gave us both the giggles. What do we do? Withdraw long enough to whip off the condom, or not relinquish any hard-fought ground? As we mulled, we humped, and very quickly the answer was made for us as I was not in a position to pull out anything, and the sensation grabbed my whole groin and I madly pumped my little sister full of the juices I had been saving for her all my life. It went on a long time, I never seemed like I was coming down and I didn't want to anyway.

I lay on her for a long time. I thought I must be getting heavy and said so, but she had me where she wanted me and wouldn't let me go. When finally I was allowed to lift off and pull out, I was soft and spent, and glad she had the pill, because the condom and its load stayed inside and I had to fish it out. Who but my little pal could see the hilarity in this in her first fuck? Who but her could marvell at how small the 'good fella' had gotten in such a short time? We had to start talking about how soon she should find her way to her own bed and how neither of us really wanted that moment to come. Inevitably, good fella stirred as she played with him and thenshe had the delight of seeing him resurrect into the stallion, the only way she had ever seen him. Now we were able to come together again, and without aid of KY, I slid my naked cock into her willing little cunt and felt the warmth and elasticity of her flesh. She must havefelt the difference too.

"OOOOH, I like it skin to skin. You're even hotter now, do I feel hotter? Are you going to cum again? Don't stop fucking me, keep on fucking me, I tickle all over, Is this the way you feel? ohgodIlovefuckingyoufuckfuck..."her voice begcame less of a voice and more of a whimper as her body was wracked with tremors and she ground her pubic into me enough to hurt a little bit. But I didn't c are, because I was cumming again and before she was done I did deliver another load. It all took longer than this, of course, but who needs a full paragraph of sound effects?

As we drifted back down I was able to roll her to the top and we lay like that for it seemed hours. She was so light, and I just didn't want to withdraw, even if I was soft. It was first light before we were able to stir enough to get her to her own room. Thank goodness for the early light in northern summers. Thank goodness it was sunday and she was a notorious oversleeper anyway.

Mom remarked several days later how Sis's first date had changed her, how cherfull she was and helpfull. She made the first squad in her track team, so I guess there was no physical damage either. Her hurdling was what kept her so slim and wiry, and might even have been why her cherry haden't been a problem.I now look at her with different eyes, too. When I fuck Mary I appreciate the padding on her pube, but I still hunger to see those staring up at me as all her core muscles milk 'good fella' of all he has.

When will we fuck again? Well, Sis thinks someone else should be the next one, and she's out with the same guy tonight as last week, so I imagine he's going to be a happy guy right about now, and I'll get her back in a couple hours.:)

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